Comprehensive Quiz

This comprehensive test contains a randomized set of questions from all courses and lessons. The questions will refresh every time you take it. Good luck!

What is decentralized finance?
Which hook in the nice-xrpl library will let you know when the client has connected to the XRPL?
What is a smart contract?
Why doesn't the XRPL use Proof of Work (PoW)?
To transfer an NFT between two accounts, you must:
What does "minting an NFT" mean?
Which of the following best describes XRPL's check feature?
Why would someone use a multi-signature account?
What is the base transaction cost on the XRPL?
Why is trading on the XRPL a little different than on other blockchains?
How is blockchain changing the gaming industry?
What is the purpose of hooks?
What is the difference between the testnet and livenet/mainnet servers?
How do AMMs work?
What is the order book?
What is proof-of-work?
What is Forte?
Why did the founders of the XRPL create it?
Which of the following best describes XRPL's check feature?
Where do cryptocurrencies live?
